Re: Modeline report - again

From: Karl-Heinz Zimmer ([email protected])
Date: Wed Jan 10 2001 - 08:16:01 CET

Am Die, 09 Jan 2001, schrieb Michele:
> Using my modelines rustic computing, I had been able to run
> the ancestral VGA16 X server at the phantastical resolution 800x600
> on my Matrox G400! Oh mon dieu: I never saw other than 640x480 with
> VGA16.
> The rustic modeline computing script is able to detect: bit planes,
> mode-clocks and the best resolution appliable, compatible with
> VESA ergonomic standard 72 Hz.
> I will turn all in a Video-Wizard soon. Stay tuned!

This is absolutely great!!

> Thanks to Linux, I'm learning about the Physics of the monitor
> technologies: it is for this kind of result I love Linux.

And thanks to your enthusiasm we will soon be even more comfortable
(at least when it comes to fine-tune your monitor settings) than the
big guys with their 6,7,.. CDs boxes. :-)


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