Re: [mu TECH] install

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Thu Jan 25 2001 - 22:44:40 CET

On Thu, Jan 25, 2001 at 10:20:14PM +0100, Karlheinz Koerber nicely wrote:
> Yesterday, just for fun, I took my old 386SX with 8 MB RAM and installed
> 11r6 from DOS _without any problem_, as usual using muLinux. :-)) Thank
> You Michele for Your great work ! What I did :
> md \mulinux ( mulinux-11r6.tgz ,, all addons )
> pkunzip
> unpack.bat
> boot.bat
> [2] direct UMSDOS installation
> [0] reboot
> linux.bat
> Swap-space setup 3) create a swapfile local to actual filesystem [

You can choice now the "e)" option (euristic swap): I always use this
option. The routine, very smart, try do find dynamically a swape-space.
Example of internal logic:

        1) there is a true Linux-swap partition? if yes, this partition
           is signed really as linux-swap? If yes, use it! -return
        2) I'm UMSDOS? If yes, swap in a file in the UMSDOS -return

        and so on.

> UMSDOS ] /swap/linux.swp 16 MB
> setup -s standard
> To say it again : _no problems at all_, only a few questions concerning
> the installation routine.
> After installation I found a new file linux.swp in my directory
> \mulinux, which seems to remain there forever, wasting 16 MB of space on
> my small HD. Did the installer only forget to delete it, the real swap
> is using 16 MB in UMSDOS filesystem !

The installer use an own file in the DOS and forget to remove it.
Please, remove by hand. The problem will be fixed.

> BTW Michele, are You interested in about 10 or 12 small typo's I've seen
> during the installation process or let's say this is part of that
> fractured english we all like ? Please let me know.

No, no: please send detailed corrections or, if you like, any amended


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