From: [email protected]
Date: Wed Mar 07 2001 - 23:29:54 CET
Connecting the two computers is not the problem,
if you want to use Linux on both machines you should use a very small
distro !
Elks could be the solution,
it is based on linux but it is build for 8088-8086 so it should work.
note : It's mutch easyer to get some 386 for a few euro's.
But someone already posted that.
Frits Rouw
[email protected]
> Matthias Koch wrote:
> How can I connect my old computer, a XT x86 4.7 // 8 Mhz to my new
> Computer, a Pentium II 266 Mhz as a terminal?
> I think I've got a good base knowledge, but I'm not very well in
> Linux.
> I want to use this old machine to work at my new computer during my
> family is working with it.
> If possible is that working over a parallel LapLink cable ?
> If not, then please tell me how I can build a serial cable (9 Pins to
> 25 Pins) to connect them.
> At last, excuse my bad English, I'm German.
> (If you can, then answer in German, please)
> Matthias Koch
> [email protected]
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