Re: Create ISO?

From: Christian Leber ([email protected])
Date: Fri Mar 09 2001 - 16:34:28 CET

On Fri, Mar 09, 2001 at 08:03:24AM +0100, Michele Andreoli wrote:

> > Not really related to the process of creating an ISO Image.
> > But what's about this really silly stamp thing in Italia?
> I cannot understand neither first, neither second statement.
> Please, explain better.

I am not really sure about it, but it is for sure an issue.


This document deals with the problems arising from an amendment to Italian
copyright law (September, 2000), which in addition to going against a
subsequent European Community recommendation (February, 2001), poses a
potentially serious threat to the activities of independent software
developers and makes it difficult to legally distribute free software
in Italy.

Hopefully it is a hoax, but i do not think so.

Christian Leber

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