From: Bob Romprey ([email protected])
Date: Wed Mar 14 2001 - 05:55:41 CET
I've created (butchered) the newest muLinux11r9 base tgz.
I just added lilo and liloconfig and removed gpm,elvis, and tinyirc
(you can put them back during an "usr upgrade") from an original unbutchered mulinux-11r9 base floppy
I don't even know if it'll work(haven't tested it yet).
But with this you should be able to do your EXT2 install from the butchered disk1
at your risk of course*grin* and still add the add-on disk at a later time.
It's at at the very bottom of my ugly page.
Good luck
>Reply-To: [email protected]
>From: "Andrew Criswell" <[email protected]>
>To: <[email protected]>
>Subject: Re: Mulinux setup with ext2 partition
>Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 23:55:16 +0700
>BKK: Sunday, 23:54
>Hello All:
>I'm back again, after a week on a tropical island, confronted once again
>with my 8 MB RAM--not 4MB as I had mistakenly stated before--and 123 MB HDD
>notebook formatted as /dev/hda5 extended Linux and /dev/hda6 Linux swap.
>I got the first bootable disk loaded and operational without complaint from
>Mulinux. My question is exactly that Ken Caldwell rose in a message last
>week and cannot be better said, "Michele, could you explain how to clone an
>ext2 system using only the first disk? Lilo is on the SVR addon. I can
>think of several possible solutions but you probably have already determined
>the best method."
>I can get so far as to clone my machine with the following command
>clone install=ext2 boot=/dev/hda5 root=/dev/hda5 loader=none
>But that gets me nowhere: if I reboot I still need my floppy bootdisk. Since
>lilo is not available on my bootdisk, I can't change the loader option to
>Thank you all for all your help.
>Andrew Criswell
>Professor of Finance
>Graduate School, Bangkok University
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