Re: The Opera browser

From: Andre Ruppert ([email protected])
Date: Tue Jun 19 2001 - 09:54:09 CEST

Hello Michele

> On Mon, Jun 18, 2001 at 10:31:21AM +0200, Andre Ruppert nicely wrote:
> > Opera is _really_ fast and small (but beware of java...)
> >
> > You should give it a try... ;-)
> I'm trying now the release 5. True, it is very fast. Small? I'm using
> a QT-static release and it is 6397088. Netscape 3.0 is only 4M.
> Michele

...if you think of replacing netscape:

No, not now.

But the Problem isn´t Opera but QT.
Static or not is a decision in the future - there are no full working and
_configurable_ install programs avalable at this time.

I believe the guys at opera are working on that.


full "normal" linux is ok for opera, but for mulinux ....


Andre Ruppert
technische Leitung
<[email protected]>
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