Re: muLinux v12.0: translations

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Thu Jun 21 2001 - 15:30:11 CEST

On Wed, Jun 20, 2001 at 05:16:09PM -0300, Renato nicely wrote:

> May be, after I finished the translation, someone from Portugal can change some terms so we can have a polifractured translation in the perfect muLinux spirit.

I do not fear polifracturation. I only fear the time where muLinux will
begin to speak more languages ... simoultaneously. Think me: this is
not an accademic scenario :-)

> By the way, MIchele, I would like to tell you some plans related to muLinux.
> I belong to a 3Com users group in Rio de Janeiro.
> They have a lot of old equipment (hubs, switches, adapters) that they used to give as donations to social or educational projects.
> There is a coordinator that searches for computer donations to make little networks in schools and so on.

This is what is happens everywhere also in Italy, with LUG etc.

> Unfortunately they do not have many *good* computers for the usual W%&#$S NT networks.
> Then I suggested to use Linux (mu) so we can use poor processing an low memory old machines in those programs.
> A friend of mine, an old unixer, is also a philosophy student in a state university. We are now begining to start a pilot project to try using that old equipment in an interesting and noble cause: the teaching of Philosophy.

Again: "Science ancilla philosophiae", as in the medium age?

> We already have support to this project from the university informatic institute and of course from 3Com. Now we are trying contact with the philosophers.

Mmm ... this is the part prone to failure :-)


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