Re: INstal USR addon 70% stop / laptop FDD

From: Alfie Costa ([email protected])
Date: Wed Jun 27 2001 - 07:49:51 CEST

On 25 Jun 2001, at 14:22, kamil krajewski <[email protected]> wrote:

> With floppies I copied whole system package and addons (first using dos
> rar split, after some time splitx - not to use 1,7 format cause I don't
> know if my notebook FDD would stand it)

It sounds like a complicated series of problems. Maybe it's better to divide
and conquer, and solve easy problems first, like getting a boot disk to work.

After using another computer to make the mu bootdisk, try to boot your laptop
with that. If it works, then the laptop's FDD likes the 1.7mb format.

If that fails, muLinux can also make boot floppies on two 1.4mb disks.

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