mulinux screen size bug

From: Albrecht Kleine ([email protected])
Date: Thu Jul 05 2001 - 18:11:50 CEST


yesterday Philippe Corbes pointed out a problem:
he is working in 80x50 text mode muLinux, but
e3 editor uses only a half screen (80x24 text mode)
because e3 could not detect the real screen size.

I've just explored that by booting my nice elTorito-muLinux
and found the reason in bad response to a kernel call
for getting screen size. You can feel that by compiling
and running this 10 line C program:
> cc winsize.c
> ./a.out

#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main()
   struct winsize groesse;
   if (ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, (char *)&groesse) < 0)
   printf("%d lines %d columns\n", groesse.ws_row, groesse.ws_col);
in mulinux I get answer:
0 lines 0 columns

Too bad for e3 if working in a 50 line mode! People working
in standard resolution won't take notice because they are losing
only one line i.e. 25 vs 24 (remember: 24 is e3's fallback)

I don't think it's a kernel bug , because an older Suse 5.1
kernel (2.0.33) does not show this behavour.
Rather I'm suspecting that we are missing something in
mulinux's startup scripts?
This is because it is possible to initialize this winsize data
structure by a ioctl(..., TIOCSWINSZ, .....) call.
After that my little included C program will print correct
values and e3 is able to use full screen size.

Any ideas ?


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