From: Joshua Hudson ([email protected])
Date: Tue Jul 10 2001 - 22:18:05 CEST
From: "Angelo" <[email protected]>
>I have the last relase of muLinux....
>Can I run this relase under windows?
>when i try to load "linux.bat" under win98.....
>on prompt of Dos there is a message: "not enought memory"....
>Have you an answer for me?
>Can i run win98 and mulinux??
>sorry 4 my english...
Make sure you are in pure dos mode (not under windows).
Try also booting from a Windows boot floppy.
Assuming a UMSDOS install, you can boot UMSDOS muLinux from
the boot floppy like so
boot: mulinuz root=/dev/hda1 load_ramdisk=0
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