Re: pc2pc unix-tips.eng

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Mon Jul 30 2001 - 17:58:24 CEST

On Wed, Jul 25, 2001 at 04:29:04PM +0200, [email protected] nicely wrote:
> Hello folks,
> In the help menu (mu 12.0) the is a section wich describes a pc to
> pc connection, using netcat. Not the pc2pc documentation but the
> unix-tips.eng, lines 257,261,282 and 283.
> However, it doesn't describe if this would work over a network, a
> serial cable, modem or all these possibilitys together.
> Since I don't know what all the portnumbers are good for ( it didn't
> connect) I tried now to do this with IP-numbers
> IP-adresses are : and ; Ping command
> works fine, but the command # nc -n > /myfile.tgz
> results in the message: no ports found.
> On the other computer I issue the command: # cat myfile.tgz | nc -l
> -n
> So why does the documentation mention port 5555 ?
> What are port numbers for?
> Do I have to disable the PYGMY server?
> Greetings, Jef Knoors

This will works:

cat myfile.tgz | nc -l -p 5555 (source machine)
nc ip-address 5555 > myfile.tgz (destination machine)


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