Re: Any C++ programmers out that that can compile tsocks?

From: Bob Romprey ([email protected])
Date: Thu Aug 09 2001 - 08:23:21 CEST

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) Just exactly what programs are you intending to use???
Having visited the analogX site I've found there's a small "portmapper" there for win9x........
tell ya what I'll give compiling the thing a try using the -static's gonna' make a giant binary.........but shouldn't be dependant on any outside library files.

Oh and BTW: no I don't Yahoo 8^P

>Reply-To: [email protected]
>Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2001 23:02:51 -0600
> Shawn Williamson <[email protected]> [email protected] Re: Any C++ programmers out that that can compile tsocks?
>It's an internal pci card: Intel PRO/DSL 2100. Only the phone line
>connects to it, not an ethernet line. The computer didn't have an
>ethernet card until I installed one to hook up to my mulinux box Samba
>I've done a websearch for "intel pro/dsl 2100" and found several people
>looking for a driver for it without success. However I did find one page
>referencing it, but it requires kernel version 2.2.13 (Site:
> ). I didn't want
>to upgrade the mu kernel.
>Plus, my DSL service will be connecting directly to AOL in the next
>month (I know, I know, but hey I get it for free from an family member
>employed there) so using linux to connect via DSL isn't a viable
>solution for me.
>THe best solution would be for me to pay money to have a seperate ISP to
>dialin via modem with the mulinux box, but the wife says I'm just
>"playing around" with linux so I don't need a seperate account. (and
>she's right. I'm doing it for the sake of doing it, really).
>I thought the tsocks solution would be a good addition to the mulinux
>project. When I complied it under slackware, the binary was only 18k.
>Bob Romprey wrote:
>> Could you please give a brief description of your DSL "modem"?
>> As most of the devices that are described by users as DSL "modems"
>> aren't modems, but rather are ethernet devices(usually an ethernet card installed in the actual client machine, leading to a hub, which then is connected to the phone "DSL" line).
>> I've worked with quite a few of these purportedly "windows only" devices only to find out that the only reason they're "windows only",
>> is the lack of knowledge, or lack of "official" support for anything other than windows.
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