Re: 22% and crash

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Wed Sep 26 2001 - 14:27:09 CEST

On Thu, Sep 20, 2001 at 09:00:17AM +0200, Giuseppe Bellini nicely wrote:

> > Ultimately, I would like to "clone" the floppies onto my hard drive. I have tried to do so with only BOOT+USR but the installation aborts because it cannot find LILO. Of course, LILO is on the WKS floppy which cannnot be loaded because of the 22% constraint.

True. But you has a copy of the lilo command in the directory bin/, located
in the main mulinux.tgz archive. Please, take a look to this archive.
Copy the command in /usr/bin (in RAM), then retry the cloning.


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