Re: new muLinux page

From: Richard Holt ([email protected])
Date: Mon Nov 05 2001 - 14:47:59 CET


Please, let me, or somebody, proofread the html before you publish it.


> On Sun, Nov 04, 2001 at 02:58:36PM -0500, Tim Smith nicely wrote:
> >
> > That was a good question, if I understood:
> >
> > Is there a mu ISO/1.44 floppy combo that will boot and mount the cd as a
> > "live" filesystem, like Slackware, Suse, DemoLinux, BBC, etc.? If not,
> > that would be great, likely to work way better than those.
> >
> The muLinux home page is one of the worse in the Internet, where important
> things are rendered in small size, or with bad colors, and inexentials stuff
> is rendered with hiperbolic evidence. Sorry; the site incresead randomnly
> and it is hard, for me, to design a new site, only to fill it with bad english.
> But in the heading I laconically wrote: it is possible "to clone" on
> the CD-ROM.
> This feature is working since a couple of years, I do not remember exactly.
> Using the script "clone" (being in a running muLinux), you can obtain a perfect
> muLinux running from the CD.
> If the cd-writer is unsupported in Linux, you can trasport the file
> master.iso on Windows and use commercial software in order to achieve
> the result.
> If, in the future, I will gain some time, I will try to produce a new
> site with more structured, more readable HTMLm with a menu on the left-side,
> et cetera
> Michele
> --
> I keep trying to locate a meeting of Quantum Physicists. But everytime
> they set a meeting time, the location changes. And vice versa -- Anonymous
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