From: Stephen Isard ([email protected])
Date: Wed Nov 14 2001 - 15:19:19 CET
The mbrola synthesis engine at produces good quality
synthetic speech and they have voices available in quite a few
languages. The engine is now downloadable from their site in a
mu-friendly libc5 form. Actually, if you click on the "LINUX
i386/ppc/alpha/ultra1" download package, you get binaries for all of
those platforms, including both libc5 and libc6 for linux. The engine
isn't terribly large, but the voices are several MB, so it's not ideal
for mu, but I thought someone might be interested.
Also, the engine (and I think some of the voices) is not "free speech"
free, although it is "free beer" free, i.e., you don't have to pay for
the binaries, but the sources aren't distributed.
Stephen Isard
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