Re: [mu SETUP] Rock

From: Shannon Mecklenburg ([email protected])
Date: Thu Dec 06 2001 - 06:23:14 CET

>No no no. "Rock" is a verb, not an adjective. It's an adjective if followed
>by "ing" though, as in "rocking chair".

You are right. Adjective describes a noun and a verb is a action. Sorry
about that.

>On "rocks the party" for Italia.
>Start with "rocking chair", a chair on grooved rails that rocks back and
>A "rocking horse" is a toy wooden horse, similar to a rocking chair.
>Rock n' Roll, was early 20th century American slang euphemism for... ehm,
>action which creates parents.
>Rock n' Roll, or Rock for short, was then applied to music with a fast beat,
>the beat having a frequency appropriate to said action.
>Such music is generally celebratory, and so "rock" has become a synonym
>for fun
>or merriment, especially among those who prefer this form of music.
>So "muLinux rocks the party" means "muLinux is as fun as things the speaker
>approves of, like music or dancing or other things."
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