RE: [non-mu] Samba problems

From: David Templeton ([email protected])
Date: Tue Dec 18 2001 - 11:56:01 CET

I have not done a lot of work with sambar but here are some more things you
can try.

There is a setting in smb.conf to make the shares browserable this has to be
enabled for each share. If this is not enabled the shares will not show up
at all in network neibourhood but you can still get to them but type it at
the windows run line
i.e. Start -> run -> \\linuxboxname\sharename -> ok or

I believe sambar can be setup to be a master LAN browser or not.
Try setting sambar to not be the master LAN browser and the win machine to
be the master.
I don't no the setting in smb.conf for samba but for the win machine it is
under the properties for file and print sharing.
Then restart sambar. As sambar restarts it should register its shares with
the master LAN browser i.e. your win machine.

Could also try it the other way round having samba as the master and win
machine as non master. You will have to reboot the win machine.

David Templeton

Vesa-Pekka Palmu [mailto:[email protected]] wrote

The problem:
I can only initate samba connections FROM linux (I can mount my
linux samba shares localy) I can ping the laptop from the desktop
and mount desktops shares from laptop. Also data transfer FROM
laptop to desktop is quite slow, but when transfering FROM
desktop to laptop data trnasfer rates are very good. I have netbios
name server running on the laptop

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