RE: Need more (flash) disk space

From: Fabio Soldati ([email protected])
Date: Fri Dec 21 2001 - 22:56:03 CET

I guess that your description is what I want - but unfortunately it doesn't
work properly.

> - clone the embrional MU (only the first floppy) on the compact flash
I did this and added the lilo bootloader which starts from the flash device.

> - Mount the compact-flash under /media.
This is what I don't understand. How can I mount the device where muLinux is
Therefore I ignored this advice and created a directory on my cloned muLinux
directly on the flash disk.

> - Create an addons/ directory on it.
> - Put every addon in /media/addons
> - edit the file /setup/rc/addons and change:
> [ ... ]
> mount /dev/xyz /media
> setup usr -> setup usr from=/media/addons/
> setup -a addon ->
> setup WKS from=/media/addons/WKS.tgz
> setup SRV from=/media/addons/SRV.tgz
> .... etc ...
> [ ... ]
> After that, you will have any addon in the compressed form.
After this modifications I've restarted my muLinux. Then on startup it
decompressed the addons directly to the flash disk and not to a virtual RAM
disk, as I wanted it.

Could you help me, please.

> Michele
> --
> I keep trying to locate a meeting of Quantum Physicists. But everytime
> they set a meeting time, the location changes. And vice versa -- Anonymous
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