From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Thu Jan 30 2003 - 18:45:54 CET
On Thu, Jan 30, 2003 at 08:35:46AM -0500, Steve Host nicely wrote:
> Hello.
> A) Does there exist a searchable archive of the mU-linux mailing list?
No, sorry. The existing FAQ is a small digest from the mailing list.
> B) I'm attempting to perform a floppyless installation of MU-linux on a
> 16 mb compactflash card. Unfortunately for me, the installation process
> creates a swap drive before copying files to "c:\linux" (Yes, a UMS-dos
> installation for now), and fills up the space on the CF card.
A stupid feature added time ago in order to help UMSDOS installation
in computer with low ram problems.
These instructions are from the file /setup/rc/prep-umsdos
# make swap
set -- `cat /proc/meminfo | rgrep SwapTotal`
if [ "$swap" -eq 0 ] ; then
msg "Activating swap file ..."
dd if=/dev/zero of=linux.swp bs=1k count=16000
mkswap linux.swp
swapon linux.swp
You can fix in this way: before of "clone" mu, try to enter in the
prompt and remove these lines.
After that, you can issue an:
# /etc/rc/prep-umsdos
> Hence, MU-linux will not install on my system.
> How can you limit the size of the swap file such that you can install
> MU-linux on systems with low NV storage?
You can change the 16M in 1M, if you want: I do not know if swap have
a low limit.
> Mu-linux is fun tho =) nice work.. I'll continue to play with it
Thank you: for some strange raison, people continue to play with it and
continue to subscribe the list, in the KDE3 age!
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