Re: muLinux on a thinkpad 360cs

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Tue Mar 04 2003 - 09:22:38 CET

  • Next message: Michele Andreoli: "Re: muLinux and Palm (mugetty / pppd)"

    On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 05:33:56PM -0600, Otto Hansen nicely wrote:
    > ok sorry, one more mail.
    > im trying to install the addons but I cant seem to get them on a disk
    > correctly
    > I have tried writing SRV.tgz with rawrite and rawrite2 and either my floppy
    > doesnt support it, or am missing some setting.

    If you have the addon on the HD in the target pc, you can load it without

                    # setup -f xyz from=.../xyz.tgz

    > how do I eaither get the addons written to disk, or how do I split them up,
    > move to laptop HD and then recombine, is there a tool taht does this that
    > allows me to cross from windows to linux?, I could also boot this computer
    > in linux to do it, but then what tool would I use?

    If the problem is a "transport" problem, you can use pkzip. pkzip can
    archive spawing on more floppy disk. There is a multi-volume option.


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  • Next message: Michele Andreoli: "Re: muLinux and Palm (mugetty / pppd)"

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