[Mu] mailman listmanager and fascism

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Wed Apr 16 2003 - 11:34:06 CEST

  • Next message: Luca Spiller: "[Mu] No floppy install - Formerly Problem with addons"

    The mailman (our) listmanager is a true cerberos.
    It automatically unsubscribe every user that bounces email
    for a fixed amount.

    I'm receiving a couple of feedback, about this pretty, rock,
    but democratic processing.

    Mailman mantains an up-to-date list of "bad guys" and, periodically,
    decide to trash the scoundrel on the top of the list, without
    further inquiry.

    Mmmm ... this recall to me something else. And to You? :-)


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