[Mu] maybe [ot] but...

From: Rinaldo Rasa ([email protected])
Date: Sun May 18 2003 - 18:24:00 CEST

  • Next message: Michele Andreoli: "Re: [Mu] maybe [ot] but..."

    dear listmembers,

    ok, but <shadowrage>
    replied in very rude manner before michele's post. i assume
    that the moderator have to tell to evrybody dont to be
    offensive... i like linux <expecially redhat 8 and nuLinux>
    but im not a wizard of linux...

    excuse my exposure to the spotlight.



    -----Messaggio Originale-----
    Da: "Michele Andreoli" <[email protected]>
    A: <[email protected]>
    Data invio: venerd́ 16 maggio 2003 22.46
    Oggetto: Re: [Mu] cancel my account

    > On Fri, May 16, 2003 at 11:59:36AM -0700, ShadowRage nicely wrote:
    > > dude, read the site.. it tells you how to unsuscribe you lazy motherfucker.
    > > shit, it's not at all that hard, in fact, the initial email you sent to suscribe, use that one
    to unsuscribe... send in the subject "UNSUSCRIBE" like a good little braindead imp and begone.
    > >
    > :-)))
    > Ok, I compassionately removed him by hand. This guy is in the worst species.
    > It doesn't know Linux and it is not interested in Linux at all.
    > I know him. A very annoying person.
    > It bombed me since long time with stupid requestes about impossibles
    > and inaffordables commercialization proposals, etc, etc.
    > You know what I'm saying.
    > Michele

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  • Next message: Michele Andreoli: "Re: [Mu] maybe [ot] but..."

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