[Mu] installation truble

From: Pascal ([email protected])
Date: Tue Feb 18 2003 - 20:11:45 CET

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    My problem ist his:
    386 6MB Ram 140 MB hd
    I ve made succeesfully the boot disc as wall as several add ons.
    I start the laptop with the boot disk an anser all the questions.
    I can't install the /usr add-on because it hangs at 65%
    So I say no to all add ons until the promt is on the screen.
    Btw: I can't save the setup config because next time the pc says there
    is no such save.
    Now I say clone
    But he doesn't clone it, after I have selected umsdos.

    So I wanted to try method 3 for ram < 4MB but I cant make the disk with
    Not with XP not with ME and not with 98SE boot disk on the ME system.
    Always appears an error.
    I really don't know what to do.

    Thank you for you help.

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