Re: [Mu] Tutorials on porting applications to muLinux

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Mon Jun 09 2003 - 23:11:43 CEST

  • Next message: Otto Hansen: "[Mu] help installing addons"

    On Mon, Jun 09, 2003 at 04:02:01PM -0400, [email protected] nicely wrote:
    > Does anyone have a good tutorial that tells how to port applications over
    > to muLinux (or other OS) from another linux or bsd?

    This tutorial doesn't exists, because impossible to write.
    There is a tutorial that tells how to port a WinXP program over Win 3.11
    for Workgroup?

    Even having a complete libc5 linux development machine, like a RedHat 4.2
    or Debian 1.3, this is a tremendous task.

    I have a form of RedHat 4.2 living in a single big file, the so-called linux
    loopfilesystem: /m/loop/rh42 (600 Mb)

    When I wish to compile something for libc5, I mount this file in this way:

                    # mount -o loop /m/loop/rh42 /mnt

    After that, I chroot in it:

                    # chroot /mnt

    A this point, I have a sort of login in the RH4.2 with a unix shell: I can
    have now the old "gcc", the old "make", and the rest useful for me.

    If I'm lucky, the program compile well but usually I have problems,
    because the code uses some new C-lib feature etc.
    In this case, I have to hack the code, usually removing parts or
    trasliterating some symbol name.


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