## ## lmtp2nntp.conf -- Mail to News Gateway Configuration ## # --- DAEMON --- user @l_musr@ childsmax 3 pidfile "@l_prefix@/var/lmtp2nntp/lmtp2nntp.pid" # --- LMTP SERVER --- # server communication on TCP socket (address:port) #acl #bind # server communication on Unix domain socket (path:permissions) bind "@l_prefix@/var/lmtp2nntp/lmtp2nntp.socket:660" # server communication on stdin/stdout (remove DAEMON section above) #bind - # server communication limits timeoutlmtp 0 timeoutlmtpaccept 0 timeoutlmtpread 10 timeoutlmtpwrite 10 size 8388608 # ---- NNTP CLIENT ---- # client communication via TCP socket #client destination # client communication limits timeoutnntp 30 timeoutnntpconnect 60 timeoutnntpread 60 timeoutnntpwrite 60 operationmode post # ---- GATEWAY OPERATION ---- # processing mode groupmode envelope mailfrom ".*" nodename "gateway" restrictheader "X-Gateway:.*lmtp2nntp" newsgroup "local.test" # remove headers (using empty value) headerrule '500:^(-EF|Path|Received|To|Cc|Bcc|):$1:' # merge values from duplicate headers and separte them with "comma space" headerrule '510:^(Reply-To):$1:[${msg.header.${1}[#]}${msg.header.${1}[#+1]:+, }]' # replace empty Subject with text "None" headerrule '520::Subject:${msg.header.Subject:-None}' # create Message-ID if omitted or illegal (no or more than one '@') headerrule '530::Message-ID:${msg.header.Message-ID:-@@:s/^.*@.*@.*$//:%createmessageid}' # append a header to inhibit bang path addressing for mail replies headerrule '540::Path:lmtp2nntp!not-for-mail' # append a header to avoid message loops with news2mail gateways - see restrictheader headerrule '610::X-Gateway:lmtp2nntp' # append a header to approve posting to a moderated newsgroup headerrule '620::Approved:gateway@example.com' # ---- LOGGING ---- # normal operation l2spec 'info: prefix(prefix="%b %d %H:%M:%S <%L> lmtp2nntp[%P]: ", timezone=local) \ -> buffer(size=65536) \ -> file(path="@l_prefix@/var/lmtp2nntp/lmtp2nntp.log", append=1, perm=0640)' # normal and debug operation #l2spec 'noop -> { \ info: prefix(prefix="%b %d %H:%M:%S <%L> lmtp2nntp[%P]: ", timezone=local) \ -> buffer(size=65536) \ -> file(path="@l_prefix@/var/lmtp2nntp/lmtp2nntp.log", append=1, perm=0640); \ debug: prefix(prefix="%b %d %H:%M:%S <%L> lmtp2nntp[%P]: ", timezone=local) \ -> file(path="@l_prefix@/var/lmtp2nntp/lmtp2nntp.debug", append=0, perm=0640) }' # raw debug operation only #l2spec 'debug: fd(fd=2)'