The Project Gutenberg EBook of Parturition without Pain or Loss of
Consciousness, by James Townley

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Title: Parturition without Pain or Loss of Consciousness

Author: James Townley

Release Date: October 4, 2010 [EBook #34029]

Language: English

Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1


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Loss of Consciousness.



Member of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, Fellow and Councillor of the Medical Society of London, F.L.S., Etc. Etc.





[Pg 5]




A second edition of my little work being required at the expiration of only a few months is gratifying to me, as evidence that my views regarding the use of an Anodyne in Parturition have attracted considerable attention. I may take this opportunity of stating, that I have never had any intention of undervaluing the merits of others who have laboured in the field of anæsthetics, my only claim to attention consisting in the novelty of my mode of applying the agent, by which its effects are so remarkably modified.

When chloroform is administered in the usual way it is given slowly, and "goes the round of the circulation" before it relieves[Pg 6] the pain or produces anæsthesia. Whereas, in my plan of using the "anodyne," the rapidly repeated but interrupted impressions made on the nervous system produce the anodyne without the anæsthetic effect—before, indeed, the mass of the blood has become affected. In this consists all the originality to which I lay claim. I have used the word "anodyne," instead of "modified chloroform," in consequence of this peculiarity of its effects. I cannot but regard this as an improvement on the old plan of using chloroform—which relieved pain, it is true, but it produced loss of consciousness also, and was not unattended with danger.

2, Harleyford Place, Kennington, S.,
October, 1862.

[Pg 7]




The following remarks on the administration of an anæsthetic agent during parturition are reprinted from the Lancet. I have appended a series of Letters, illustrative of the efficacy of the mode of proceeding I adopt.

2, Harleyford Place, Kennington, S.,
June, 1862.

[Pg 9]


For some time past, my attention has been directed to the use of anæsthetics in parturition. I had often been requested by patients to administer chloroform to them during labour, but I had seen the ill effects of this drug in one instance so strongly and almost fatally developed, that I shrank from its use. After considerable reflection on the subject, I thought that if a plan could be devised by which the anæsthetic agent should act only in deadening sensation, and not interfere with consciousness, it would be a boon to the accoucheur as well as to the patient. How was this to be effected? Two conditions appeared[Pg 10] necessary for its accomplishment,—namely, a modification of the Inhaler at present in use; and certain additions to the chloroform—additions which would reduce its strength, and give it a certain flavour. These two conditions I had not much difficulty in fulfilling. But there arose an obstacle of more serious moment: How, when, and for what time, was the inhalation to be made? I will now give an account, seriatim, of my inhaler, the anodyne fluid which I employ, and the mode in which I direct the inhalation to be made.

The Inhaler[A] is similar to one very commonly used in administering chloroform. It has, however, in addition, two tubes, an inch and a quarter long and a quarter of an inch in diameter, running parallel to the floor of the inhaler. These tubes, being placed above and to the sides of the inspiring valve, admit two small streams of[Pg 11] fresh air, which to a great extent are inspired unmixed with the vapour of the anodyne. In the place of the grating there is a curved prong for retaining the sponge under the right tube and opposite the hole in the right side connected with the cup which receives the mixture to be inhaled. The object of this cup is—first, to receive the mixture, and direct it to the[Pg 12] centre of the sponge. It has, in the second place, the advantage of helping to keep the Inhaler cool by the patient making use of it to rest her thumb upon when she is inhaling. It will therefore be gathered from this that the patient herself always holds the inhaler.

[A] Manufactured by Messrs. Weiss and Son.

A, cup; B, external opening of tubes; C, internal opening
of tubes; D, sponge.

The anodyne mixture which I have found to be the most manageable is composed as follows: Alcohol, two ounces; one drachm of aromatic tincture; with sufficient chloroform added, short of the production of a turbid state of the fluid. The object of adding the tincture is to make it pleasanter to inhale; the spice also appears to prevent the sickness which would otherwise sometimes arise from long-continued inhalation. By giving a little colour to the mixture, also, it prevents any accident that might arise by putting in by mistake pure for the modified chloroform. I prepare the aromatic tincture as follows: One drachm of nutmegs; two drachms of cloves;[Pg 13] pterocarp chips, a drachm and a half; water, four ounces; alcohol, five ounces: mix.

Mode of administering the anodyne vapour.—The great object to be attained is to so far influence the nerves of sensation as to prevent pain, and yet not carry the anæsthetic agent to the extent of producing unconsciousness. This can be effected in the following manner:—The woman, in the upright or recumbent position, as the case may be, holds the Inhaler in her right hand. She is directed to take a full inspiration, and then to apply the Inhaler to the mouth and nose. She is then to breathe rapidly for six, eight, or more inspirations (the inspirations and expirations being equal) only with the diaphragm and abdominal muscles, the chest being kept a fixture all the time. The Inhaler should then be removed immediately, and one or two full, deep, quick chest-inspirations taken. This will be found sufficient to[Pg 14] relieve all pain, and there will be no loss of consciousness. During the entire process it is desirable to have a full light upon the face, to watch the countenance and feel the pulse occasionally, and observe the pupils. These, in some cases, are very quickly affected, and then the inhalation requires to be suspended for a time. During the time the process is going on, I am in the habit of giving a teaspoonful of brandy in a cup of weak tea with plenty of milk, and something to eat; or, instead, a glass of wine and a little cake or bread-and-butter, from time to time, to keep up the strength and prevent that sudden pallor of the face which sometimes occurs. I may add, as only a portion of the alcohol is taken up in vapour, it accumulates in the sponge, so that it is necessary occasionally to squeeze it out before adding a fresh quantity.

I can hardly attempt to explain clearly the modus operandi of the agent. Practically,[Pg 15] however, it answers the purpose intended. The great point is, of course, to arrest its action before it produces unconsciousness. This is effected by using it as I have described. It is requisite that the patient be carefully watched, so that the moment for administering the agent may be seized. From the experience I have now had of its use, I can estimate pretty accurately the exact time the inhalation should be resumed or discontinued. After a little practice this knowledge can be obtained by any competent observer. I have now given my anodyne mixture in 216 cases, and without in any one instance seeing a bad result quoad the administration of the mixture. Of these cases many have come to me in consequence of the severity of their former labours, their extreme nervousness, and other causes.

I select a few instances from my notebook in which the anodyne was employed with complete and satisfactory effects:[Pg 16]

1. The patient was in her twenty-ninth year, by no means robust, of a nervous temperament, and looking forward to her first labour with great apprehension.

2. Was in her thirty-third year, and looked forward to her first labour with great dread.

3. Her sixth labour; all her previous labours had been very severe.

4. Her tenth labour; her previous labours very severe, and each time followed by a great deal of after-pain.

5. Her eighth labour; had suffered intensely in every previous labour, in some of which she had been delivered with instruments; had had a protracted recovery after each labour.

6. Her seventh labour; inflammation had followed each of her former labours.

7. Her fifth and sixth labours; her former labours had been very severe.

8. Her third and fourth labours; her former labours having been very severe.[Pg 17]

9. Her first labour; very strong expulsive pains; soft parts at first being very rigid, then gradually giving way after six hours' use of the inhaler.

10. Her third labour; child's head very large and firm; much exhaustion; delivered with the short forceps, very great force requiring to be used before the head could be extracted.

11. Her first labour; very nervous and timid; with difficulty could I get her to use the Inhaler rightly, but she became much more composed towards the end, and inhaled very well. I have rarely seen stronger expulsive pains than she had towards the last; the arch of the pubes being rather contracted, and the child full-sized.

12. Her fourth labour; breech presentation; used the Inhaler for three hours.

13. Her first labour; in her thirty-ninth year; very severe expulsive pains for nine hours; the last hour, owing to[Pg 18] the size of the head and the contracted outlet, no progress was made; and beginning to get exhausted, it was decided to apply the forceps, which were accordingly sent for, but a few minutes before they arrived, nature had overcome the difficulty; the child was born alive, but with a large caput succedaneum, showing how firmly it had been retained the last hour.

14. Had always had great suffering in her former labours; used the Inhaler about three hours; breech presentation; placenta was adherent, and required great force to peel it off.

I have thus given the results of my experience with an agent calculated, under proper management, I venture to think, to be of great service in the practice of midwifery. I believe my experience with it has proved that—

1st. It is possible for a woman to be delivered with less pain from the beginning[Pg 19] to the end of her labour than a rhubarb draught would occasion.

2nd. It is possible to afford that relief without interfering with the regular and natural action of the heart or brain.

3rd. It is possible for the child to be born without the mother experiencing any pain whatever, while at the same time she retains her consciousness and power to bear down when told to do so; and her first knowledge of the birth of her child shall be from hearing it cry.

4th. That when a woman is delivered without suffering pain, although she shall have had inflammation after each of six previous labours, the prevention of the suffering will have the effect of preventing the usual inflammation.

5th. That by preventing the suffering of labour, the woman does not lose her strength, and always has a speedy recovery.

[Pg 20]


Of the following Letters from Patients which I have selected for publication, six relate to cases of first labour.

It is generally admitted that the suffering of first labours equals, if not surpasses, that of subsequent ones. In three of these six labours there was the additional drawback of age, the youngest being more than twenty-eight years old. In one of these cases also there was a contracted outlet, which retained the head for one hour. It follows, therefore, that if in the severer cases of labour, with obstacles to impede delivery, women can be so fully relieved as not to suffer pain, the more ordinary and milder cases will also have the same relief.[Pg 21] I, therefore, think it unnecessary to give any larger number of cases.

I will only add, that in all these cases the patient deserved as much credit as the accoucheur, as it was by her quickly altering and exactly following his directions in the manner of inhaling that enabled her to go through the labour without pain. Some patients, with the best intentions of doing what you wish, find it difficult, and then they have a little pain at times, but so little that I am within bounds when I say it is not one-twentieth of what they would otherwise have suffered.[Pg 22]

Providence Place.

My dear Sir,

Having always had a great dread of the pains of labour, I was exceedingly pleased when you told me that you had it in your power almost entirely to prevent their being felt, though I must confess I was at the time rather sceptical as to the amount of alleviation you could effect without producing unconsciousness; but having been so happy as to be under your care during my confinement, I can truly say that the result fully realized all you had said. I suffered very much before you arrived, part of the time lying on the floor in great agony, perfectly unable to rise; but from the time I took the Inhaler in my hand, and used it under your directions, I had no more pain, lying quite still on the bed, and giving orders to the attendants to[Pg 23] get all that was required (as you are aware, I was confined quite unexpectedly). I was perfectly conscious all the time, and remembered where everything was that was wanted. I was quite free from pain, excepting when you took the Inhaler from me to replenish it, when the pains came on rapidly, and I was delighted to get it back again. When the child was born, there was a feeling of great forcing, but scarcely any pain; indeed, I did not think it was born until you said "There, Mamma, you have a nice little girl."

Again thanking you, dear Sir, for your kindness, and the immense relief I experienced under your most beautiful method,

I remain,
Yours very truly,
* * *

Dr. Townley.[Pg 24]

Oxford Terrace.

My dear Sir,

Having heard of the great relief many ladies had received from your plan of treatment in their confinements, and having a great dread and fear of the pain and suffering, it somewhat relieved my mind to know that you had the means of very much mitigating them; but it is impossible for me to express a tithe of the benefit and relief I obtained while using your Inhaler.

I had been suffering more or less pain for thirty-six hours before sending to you; but you had not been with me five minutes before I was perfectly free from all pain, and continued so for the six hours that my labour lasted, and the first knowledge of baby being born was my hearing it cry. I held the Inhaler myself the whole time, and[Pg 25] was not the least unconscious for a single moment. I was laughing and talking with my aunt and nurse the greater part of the time.

No one who has not experienced or seen it can have the least idea of the marvellous effect of your process. I will only add, that I had no after pains, and felt well, and quite strong enough to get up the next day, if I had been allowed.

No words can sufficiently convey my thanks to you for this inestimable boon in my hour of need.

I remain,
My dear Sir,
Yours very sincerely,
* * *

Dr. Townley.[Pg 26]

Roupell Park.

Dear Sir,

It is with great pleasure I testify to the wonderful efficacy of your method of treatment during the agony and peril of childbirth.

Having had the benefit of your professional services in my former confinements, you are well aware how greatly I suffered on those occasions. After a lapse of four years I was anticipating my sixth confinement with feelings of dread and apprehension, until assured by you that you had a means of greatly easing suffering women at these times; but I can truly say, that unless I had myself experienced the marvellous effects of your beautiful method, I could not have believed it possible that aught in medical science could have been so perfect in application and[Pg 27] result. At the time of your arrival, I was in great agony; five minutes after you entered my room I was entirely free from pain, and unless I had occasionally removed the Inhaler, I should not have believed I was in labour: the intensity of pain then felt made me hastily replace it. During the whole time—about an hour and a half—I was perfectly conscious, able to ask and answer questions.

I did not know when my baby was born. I had not the slightest feeling of pain or distension; and even when twice assured by yourself, and also by my sister, who was present, that baby was born, I could not believe, until I saw the child with my own eyes, that my trial was over. I had no after-pains or inconvenience of any kind as hitherto, but regained my strength quickly and comfortably.

I can only say, in conclusion, that it is impossible to speak sufficiently in praise of your marvellous process, or for me to offer[Pg 28] you thanks at all in proportion to the great blessing you have been the means of bestowing on suffering women.

I remain,
Dear Sir,
Yours very sincerely,
* * *

To Dr. Townley.


My dear Sir,

It gives me great pleasure to have this opportunity of stating the very great relief I received in my late confinement from your most beautiful plan of treatment.

Having had a large family, and, as you[Pg 29] know, always suffering so much in my previous confinements, I could scarcely believe I was in labour when using the Inhaler under your direction, as I had not the least particle of pain, and only when I took it away to have it refilled was I aware that labour was going on. My husband, mamma, and nurse, who were in the room at the time, were quite astonished to see me without the least pain or suffering during the five hours my trouble lasted.

I never lost my consciousness, but knew all that passed, holding the Inhaler myself the whole time; and, more wonderful still, when baby was born I did not feel any pain or inconvenience whatever, and only when told it was over, did I know the child was in the world. I had no after-pains, from which I generally suffer so much; felt perfectly well the next day, and continued so the whole time, which was a perfect contrast to my former confinements, as[Pg 30] I have always been many weeks before I regained my strength.

In conclusion, I must say I cannot sufficiently speak in praise of your beautiful process, which not only relieves all pain at the time, but prevents loss of strength afterwards.

Allow me, with my husband, to offer you my most sincere thanks; and rejoiced are we to think that at any future time I can be relieved from such agonizing pain by your invaluable method.

I am, my dear Sir,
Yours very sincerely,
* * *

To Dr. Townley.[Pg 31]

Kennington Lane.

Dear Sir,

It was with no ordinary apprehensions that I looked forward to my hour of peril. My previous labours had been seasons of the most prolonged and intense suffering, at times rising to intolerable agony. My medical attendants in the country have been compelled to remain, with slight intervals of absence, from twelve to twenty-four hours, yet utterly unable to afford aught but momentary relief.

My anxiety was somewhat abated by the statements I received from ladies whom you had attended, by hearing the great relief they had received from your plan of treatment; and I am happy to have it in my power to corroborate their testimony.

No one but those who have experienced it can conceive or describe the immense[Pg 32] alleviation of suffering it produces, without in the least taking away the power of consciousness; and when baby was born I did not feel the least pain or inconvenience, and did not know that it was born till you assured me it was.

My recovery, too, was marked by the absence of pains and other inconveniences, which sometimes awakened the greatest apprehensions on the part of my family.

Very grateful am I to you for your attention; and sincerely do I thank God, who has enabled you to mitigate to a most wonderful degree the pains and agony of child-bearing.

I will only add, that after you came I can conscientiously say that I had no pain at all.

I am, Sir,
Yours most respectfully,
* * *

Dr. Townley.[Pg 33]


Dear Sir,

With pleasure I write to tell you of my safe return home and continued good health. My rapid restoration and early return is a subject of wonder and astonishment to my friends, who have been accustomed to see me at the end of six and eight weeks in a precarious and suffering condition. My six former confinements being very severe, the time of labour varying from twenty to thirty-six hours, followed by violent inflammation, leaving me much exhausted.

I was looking forward to my seventh with great fear and dread, when I heard of the wonderful efficacy of your system from two of my sisters, who had received such great relief from the liquid they inhaled. I came to town doubting I should derive the same benefit, when I considered the[Pg 34] agony I had endured on every previous occasion, both during and after. I feel I cannot sufficiently express on paper the astonishing fact, that for six hours, using the Inhaler myself the whole time, I was perfectly free from pain, and without one moment's loss of consciousness, occasionally talking and laughing with those around me; and when told by yourself that my trouble was nearly over, it appeared to me impossible; and so great was my joy, that I did not replace the Inhaler the last few moments, consequently felt a pain with distension. I quite believe, had I attended, and replaced the Inhaler in time, I should not have felt the slightest pain. I was suffering much when you came to me, but you were not in my room more than three minutes before I was perfectly easy, and remained so the whole time until the birth of my babe, when I experienced the pain I have named.

The after effects of your skilful process[Pg 35] are equal, and even surpass, the time of labour; not one adverse symptom attended or followed on the present occasion to retard my recovery. I was better at the end of a fortnight than I had previously been at two months. I assure you that I cannot realize that I have been in so short a time reprieved from pain, and feel most grateful under Providence to your skill and kind attention from not being, as hitherto, not hours or weeks, but months, in a state of suffering in mind and body.

Earnestly do I wish every such patient could receive the boon of your assistance in their hour of anguish. Accept my own and my husband's best thanks; and should I again require assistance, our chief anxiety would be to secure the inestimable benefit to be derived from the use of your Inhaler.

I remain,
Yours very truly,
* * *

To Dr. Townley.[Pg 36]

Camberwell New Road.

Dear Sir,

Allow me to express my gratitude for the benefit I received under your care during my two last confinements.

I had had four children when I first heard of your treatment in alleviating the pains of childbirth; and having a great dread from severe suffering in my former labours, I determined to place myself under your care.

The first time you attended me, when you came I was in much agony; immediately upon inhaling the vapour you gave me, I felt as if it ran down my back to the exact spot where the pain was, which it immediately relieved, and a sense of forcing, with a trifling uneasiness, was all I experienced during the birth of my babe; and I can truly say that its benefit during my labour this last time surpassed the first.[Pg 37]

Having had chloroform three times previously, I can testify that the effects of your treatment are quite different, and infinitely superior; for while in the one case I lost my senses and power of action, under you my senses were as acute as at any time in my life, and my bodily powers the same.

No one can imagine the relief obtained under your process: it must be felt to be believed.

With deep gratitude to God as the first cause of every blessing, and with sincere thanks to yourself for the very great relief you gave me,

Believe me to remain,
Dear Sir,
Yours respectfully,
* * *

To Dr. Townley.[Pg 38]


Dear Dr. Townley,

Having been so fortunate as to procure your professional services during my accouchement, and receiving so much benefit thereby, I cannot allow it to pass without expressing my admiration at the skill and success with which you relieved me from all pain, whilst at the same time I remained perfectly sensible.

Before you arrived I was suffering great agony, but you immediately relieved it. The labour went on regularly for nearly five hours without my feeling the slightest particle of pain.

I can conscientiously state that I did not know the child was born till I heard it cry, at the same time being perfectly sensible[Pg 39] and able to converse cheerfully with a friend I had with me.

I did not suffer from headache, fever, or any other bad symptom which sometimes follows childbirth.

I consider the process you use in midwifery cases to be, without any exception, the greatest boon which has been, or ever can be, given to woman, and will, I trust, be appreciated as such. I have received the wonderful benefit of it myself, as well as witnessing it in two other cases; one an extremely difficult one, where I am fully convinced that the patient must, in all human probability, have lost her life, had it not been for your beautiful process, whereby she was totally relieved from pain, which must in her case have exhausted nature.

I could add much more in favour of this great boon, but will not trouble you with a tedious letter.

In conclusion, let me offer my sincere[Pg 40] thanks to you for devoting your time and talents to the discovery of so wonderful and useful a practice in the most important branch of your profession; and you will, I am sure, be fully repaid by knowing the amount of suffering you have prevented, and, I may also add, the lives you have saved.

You are at liberty to show this letter to any one, or to refer them personally to me.

It is my opinion that too much cannot be said in praise of your beautiful process.

I remain,
Dear Dr. Townley,
Yours most sincerely,
* * *
[Pg 41]


My dear Sir,

Allow me to express my gratitude for your kind care and attention to me during my two last confinements, and the great benefit I derived from your mode of relieving the dreadful pains of childbirth.

When consulting you in the year 1859 relative to my approaching confinement, which I very much dreaded, having upon two previous occasions suffered intensely the pains of labour for the space of nearly two days each time, I gladly accepted the proffered relief you offered me, though I was somewhat sceptical it would afford me all the relief you considered it was calculated to convey.

I now beg to state, for the information of any who may never have participated in its inestimable benefit, that both in 1859 and in the last month (March, 1861), I am[Pg 42] perfectly convinced it has been under Providence the means of saving my life; that its marvellous effects are such that pain is scarcely felt or known; and while inhaling the vapour there is not the slightest degree of unconsciousness. I was able to converse and give directions with the same ability and readiness of perception as a person in the most perfect health would do; in addition, I may also state, that whereas in my previous labours I had always suffered much pain from distension and soreness afterwards, in the two last there was a total absence of both these inconveniences.

I cannot but express my fervent thankfulness for your skill and watchfulness during my hour of need, and should only be too happy to testify personally to any one expecting to take it, that they need be under no apprehension whatever from ill effects, at the time or afterwards, either to themselves or their infant. So beautiful is it, that I told my nurse, as far as the pain at[Pg 43] the time of labour went, I should not mind going through the same every week.

Incredible as these results may appear to those who have never felt nor witnessed your mode of alleviating the pains of labour, the earnest desire of both myself and husband is, that by God's blessing your valuable life may long be spared, and that you may enjoy the happiness and privilege of being, to a constantly-increasing number of ladies, the means of proving that what has hitherto been considered an impossibility can be done—namely, the birth of a child without any pain or any loss of consciousness to the mother throughout the whole of her labour.

I remain,
Dear Sir,
Yours very sincerely,
* * *

Dr. Townley.[Pg 44]


Dear Dr. Townley,

I had great dread of going through my first confinement, and accordingly, when a friend of mine, on whose experience of your aid I could place the greatest reliance, recommended me to try your anodyne treatment, I was very glad to avail myself of your scientific services. I had expected that all you could do would be to relieve me of a little of the usual pain of a confinement, but I can now confidently declare that I did not feel any pain at all during my labour. For I knew very well when every pain was approaching, and by using the Inhaler under your direction, I was enabled to bear the labour without experiencing any pain at all. What I really did feel was an unpleasant sensation of extreme forcing, to which it would be wrong of me[Pg 45] to give the name of pain; that sensation is easily accounted for, since it was the opinion of a medical friend who was present, that my child could not be born without the use of the instruments; but I thank God, that with the help of your anodyne, and with your own attentive encouragement, my child was born alive, and without the use of the instruments. On the following day I felt neither pain, nor stiffness, nor discomfort of any kind. With many thanks for your kind attention,

I am,
Yours truly,
* * *
[Pg 46]

Vassall Road.

Dear Sir,

It is with mingled feelings of pleasure and gratitude that I take up my pen to testify to the extraordinary results of your wonderful process for alleviating and lessening the pains and perils of childbirth. I have, as you are aware, thrice passed through this ordeal; the first without the aid of your invaluable process, and well do I recollect the agony I then endured; the second time I was induced to submit myself to your new mode of treatment, and although it was a tedious and protracted labour, I passed through it with little or none of the suffering I experienced on the first occasion.

In my third and last confinement I cannot speak too highly of this inestimable[Pg 47] boon. I was in great agony on your arrival; but as soon as I used the Inhaler, which I held in my own hand, I felt no more pain. I was perfectly sensible the whole of the time, conversing freely with those in the room. But what I consider most extraordinary was, when you were obliged at the last, owing to the great size of the baby's head, to have recourse to instruments; even at that trying time, I experienced little or no pain or distension, to the utter astonishment and delight of my mother and the nurse, who were present. As to myself, I could hardly believe it possible that my trouble was over. My speedy recovery is well known to you, being enabled to rise from my bed on the fifth day after my confinement, quite strong, and to leave my room within the fortnight, neither myself nor babe ever having since experienced the least unpleasant effects from the astonishing relief afforded.

In conclusion, I beg you to accept the[Pg 48] sincere thanks of myself and husband for your great kindness and unremitting attention to me in the hour of need, and trust you may long be spared to witness the marvellous results of your arduous exertions for relieving suffering women.

I remain,
Dear Sir,
Yours very sincerely,
* * *

To Dr. Townley.[Pg 49]

18th Feb., 1862.

Dear Sir,

When I was at Clapham last week, I heard that my confinement had been hit upon by some persons (who are much prejudiced against your splendid discovery) as an example of its failure; and as I do not think it should be looked upon in that light, I am writing to say you are at liberty to send any one to me, and I will tell them that, although I cannot say (as I know some of your ladies can) that I never felt a pain, yet that the anodyne gave me such relief that I shall be thankful to get the same alleviation another time. You will recollect you found me in great pain, but that instantly subsided when I used the Inhaler as you told me; and for an hour or[Pg 50] two, strictly following your directions, I could not believe that the labour was going on, as I felt nothing, though perfectly conscious the whole time. But once allowing the pains to get ahead, I seemed as if I could not listen to you. It being my first confinement, I suppose I was frightened and nervous, consequently, then, not being able to do as you told me, I suffered intensely for a time, but towards the end I must have used the Inhaler better, for I certainly did not feel my great baby being born. You yourself called it a terrific bout; but I recovered very rapidly, which must be a proof that I did actually derive much benefit from the anodyne, notwithstanding my having that interval of suffering when I did not use the Inhaler properly, for I walked downstairs to dinner on the fifth day, and was home at three weeks, and thirty miles down in the country three days after. I speak of you and your wonderful discovery whenever I get the opportunity,[Pg 51] and sincerely hope I may have your valuable assistance again, if I should be in a condition to need it.

Believe me,
Dear Sir,
Yours very truly,
* * *

To Dr. Townley.[Pg 52]

April 12th, 1862.

My dear Dr. Townley,

I cannot allow the benefits that I have personally received from the application of your valuable discovery in alleviating the pains and anguish in the hour of childbirth to pass unacknowledged. I have delayed writing earlier, being anxious to confirm the lasting benefits conferred at the time. It is now five months since you attended me, and I unhesitatingly affirm that on the three previous occasions of my confinements, I have never been so fully recovered at the end of one month, as I was on the last occasion at the end of a fortnight, as was instanced by the fact, as you know, of my being obliged to closely watch and nurse, night and day, my youngest boy,[Pg 53] in a severe and critical illness. Apart from the general and speedy restoration to health and strength, I can safely state that while under the influence of the anodyne, which I applied myself, retaining consciousness the whole period, and when strictly following your directions, experienced no pain whatever, although you are aware the difficulty in my case was increased by being what is termed a cross-birth, and which I feel sure, under the ordinary treatment, would have left me utterly prostrated through severe and protracted suffering.

I willingly, and unsolicited, render you this simple tribute of my sincere and best thanks, that under divine Providence, you have been enabled to introduce so marvellous a relief in the hour of such momentous maternal anxiety and suffering; and I shall be most happy to satisfy any one who may wish for a reference as to the beneficial effects of your wonderful discovery, so far[Pg 54] as I have individually experienced it, and readily accord you full liberty to make use of this communication as may be most satisfactory to you; and with best wishes for your continued success,

Believe me,
My dear Dr. Townley,
Yours very truly,
* * *

To Dr. Townley.[Pg 55]

13th May, 1862.

Dear Sir,

It is with great pleasure I testify to the wonderful effects of your beautiful method of treatment during the agony of childbirth. Being my first confinement, I was naturally nervous and fearful. I had been suffering great pain more or less for five hours before I sent for you, but had no sooner taken your Inhaler in my hand than all my nervousness, fears, and pain vanished, and for the next six hours that my labour lasted felt perfectly easy. The only pain I felt was when I removed the Inhaler to have it replenished, my great anxiety being to get it back again. I did not in the least lose my consciousness, but was laughing and talking with my mamma and nurse the whole time. When my baby was born, the feeling I experienced was just as if the[Pg 56] parts had been india-rubber—a gentle expanding, but not the least pain. I had no after-pains, and there was no inconvenience afterwards, either to myself or child, and I felt perfectly well, and strong enough to get up the next day had I been allowed. Thanking you, dear Sir, for all your care and watchfulness over me during my hour of need,

I remain,
Yours most respectfully,
* * *

To Dr. Townley.[Pg 57]

May 15th, 1862.

Dear Sir,

I cannot help expressing on paper, for the benefit of others who might be as incredulous as I was myself, the perfect success of your treatment. In a previous confinement, five years ago, I was obliged, after a most protracted labour and much suffering, to be delivered by instruments. This time, although it was a cross-birth from the time you came, I suffered no pain; and after three hours using the Inhaler under your direction, when you assured me the baby would soon be born, I could not believe it, having no forcing or sensation of any kind. I was perfectly sensible, and able to talk cheerfully with those around me. Though some time under your hands whilst removing the after-birth, which adhered, I had not the[Pg 58] slightest pain. In all my previous confinements I had been much troubled afterwards, in consequence of the protracted and forcing nature of my labour, from piles and other inconveniences, none of which I experienced under your care; consequently, I felt better on the second day than I ever had before at the end of a fortnight.

All who have used your Inhaler must be thankful that you have been directed by a gracious God to a means of mitigating such severe suffering.

Believe me,
Dear Sir,
Yours truly,
* * *
[Pg 59]

May 20th, 1862.

Dear Sir,

With much pleasure I acknowledge the benefit I derived from inhaling your anodyne during my recent confinement.

I confess it was with some fear and reluctance I yielded to the persuasions of two of my friends (who themselves had experienced its benefit) to try it. I could not forget how much I suffered some time since from the use of chloroform administered to me for the extraction of a tooth. On that occasion, after the tooth was out, they were obliged to open the windows and deluge me with cold water. It was an hour and a half before any signs of consciousness returned, and then the ringing in my ears and distress in my head were dreadful. It was a full week before I could bear any light or noise in my room, and even now a little camphorated chloroform for toothache quite upsets me. In[Pg 60] taking your anodyne, however, I felt nothing of the kind. I was perfectly conscious all the time, and whilst inhaling it suffered no pain. I have been stronger and better since than in any of my four previous confinements. This time I was dressed and sat up to dinner before baby was five days old, without feeling the slightest inconvenience of any sort, and the earliest time I have sat up to dinner before has been two weeks.

I am sure that ladies who suffer much at these times, or from debility afterwards, will find it a very great boon.

I am,
Dear Sir,
Yours sincerely,
* * *

To Dr. Townley.


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Consciousness, by James Townley


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