Author: Jeannie Walldren Date: 2008-06-11 History: 2008-06-11 Jeannie Walldren - Original version 2009-05-21 Jeannie Walldren - Changed step 1 vicar2isis "from" parameter to take in *.img file, not *.lbl file. - Changed step 2 idl "read_tif" command to "read_tiff". - A comparison of the version 2 files to version 1 files shows no change. This directory contains calibration files for ISIS 3 CISSCAL's flatfield dustring and mottle corrections. They are derived from Cassini Orbiter ISS Volume 11 Version 2 (i.e. coiss_0011_v2). AAREADME_dustring_isis3.txt - This document, written for ISIS 3 CISSCAL info. dustring_info.txt - Describes original contents used by IDL CISSCAL 3.6 In the idl CISSCAL application file, dustring file *.img and mottle file *.tif were used, so we create cubes from these. If newer versions become available the following steps can be used to convert them into cubes. nac_dustring_venus.full.cub nac_dustring_venus.sum2.cub nac_dustring_venus.sum4.cub nac_mottle_1444733393.full.cub 1) The dustring cubes were created using VICAR2ISIS and REDUCE > vicar2isis from=nac_dustring_venus.img to=nac_dustring_venus.full.cub > reduce from=nac_dustring_venus.full.cub to=nac_dustring_venus.sum2.cub ons=512 onl=512 > reduce from=nac_dustring_venus.full.cub to=nac_dustring_venus.sum4.cub ons=256 onl=256 2) The .raw file was derived from file nac_mottle_1444733393.tif by the following commands in idl: img = read_tiff('nac_mottle_1444733393.tif',image_index=i) openw, lun_out, "nac_mottle_1444733393.raw", /get_lun writeu,lun_out,img close,lun_out free_lun,lun_out 3) The *.raw file was imported using raw2isis. According to the idl code, for now, we assume no mottle correction needed for summed images. > raw2isis from=nac_mottle_1444733393.raw to=nac_mottle_1444733393.full.cub samples=1024 lines=1024 bittype=real