CISSCAL README -------------- For detailed setup instructions, please see the first section of the user manual: cisscal3_6_manual.pdf. The following system variables must be set (typically in user's .cshrc file or equivalent) for CISSCAL to work properly: CisscalDir - directory containing CISSCAL code: setenv CisscalDir /home/username/cisscal CalibrationBaseDir - directory containing calibration support files: setenv CalibrationBaseDir /home/username/calib ImageBaseDir - default image directory: setenv ImageBaseDir /home/username/images Direct all questions to Ben Knowles at Space Science Institute, Boulder, CO ( Changes to CISSCAL since version 3.3: ------------------------------------- . Improved dark simulation code to increase speed. . Modifications to handling of summed and lossy-compressed images by 2 hz removal routine. . Incorporated latest NAC and WAC absolute correction factors. . Combined, where possible, system transmission files (located in support/efficiency/systrans/) with "blocking" filter transmission from ground calibration. . Added cisscal_cl, the CISSCAL command-line mode, enabling use of CISSCAL without the GUI. . Added compatibility for several operating systems, including Mac. . Removed 2-parameter dark current model (now defunct). . Added default options file, cisscal_default_options.txt, allowing user to specify defaults for all calibration parameters. . Updates to (readout time calculation). . Various bug fixes and clean-up of GUI toggle and window behavior. . Changed histogram code to allow large DNs. . Implemented a slightly wider low-pass filter for 2-Hz removal to deal better with cosmic rays in overclocked pixels. . Disabled 2-Hz noise removal for summed images. . Updated user manual. . Data file clean-up, reformatting. . Added output filename suffix to calibration options file. . Added new central/effective wavelength files. . Added (in place of effic_db*). CISSCAL (the Cassini ISS calibration software package) was developed in stages, beginning in August 1998, under the auspices of the Cassini Imaging Central Laboratory for Operations (CICLOPS) directed by Dr. Carolyn Porco, ISS Team Leader. The theoretical basis and pipeline design for Cassini image calibration was developed by ISS team member Dr. Robert West of JPL. The systems design for the CISSCAL software, and its original implementation and development, was the work of Dr. Kevin Beurle at Queen Mary, University of London from August 1998 through March 2002. Beginning in April 2002, major design and algorithmic modifications, software additions, debugging and maintenance have been performed by Benjamin Knowles of CICLOPS/Space Science Institute, Boulder, CO. under the direct supervision of West. Significant contributions (algorithms, software, evaluation and validation, etc) have been made by West, Vance Haemmerle of JPL (while at CICLOPS), Daren Wilson of CICLOPS, and other members of the Cassini ISS Team. -Ben Knowles, 3/20/2009