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Re: [bluetooth] RF (our interface)
> As a result of previouse discussion, we can define our
> simple RF interface that can be mapped to any exteranl
> RF interfaces (SPI, JTAG or any other interface)
> here are some pins that I recall to be added
> . Tx Enable
> . Rx Enable
> . Tx Data bit
> . Rx Data Bit
> . Hop bus
> . RF Register address
> . RF Regsiter data in
> . RF Register Data out
> . BT state bus ??? this to define sommunication
> between RF and baseband state machines such as power
> mode
[Ling] The hop bus should be mergerd with Register bus, since it is just an
register to be set. Some other like clk should be taken into account, RF
chip usually proivde accurate close for data sampling and transmission,
usually (13MHz and 1MHz both).
> Do you have any comment on this interaface? do you
> think that it is easy to add a bridge to SPI or JTAG
> interfaces?
SPI and JTAG can be two types of Register bus, using very simliar protocol.
We can definitely use a bridge.
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