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Re: [bluetooth] Bluetooth+8051

I think this would be very specific to what bluetooth module you were
to use... But I have not had any experience with wiring one up to a
8051. Sorry. I have designed, as part of a team, a bluetooth IP block
which had an AMBA APB interface. We actually used an ARM7TDMI as a host
processor. We had the bluetooth design in an FPGA and interface to the
ARM7TDMI over an AHB bus (using and AHB to APB bridge in the FPGA).

But again any source code written for the 8051 would be very dependent
ont he bluetooth module being used, as woudl the interface mechanism
tot he module.

Do you have any more information? Anyway perhaps someone else could be
of more help....

Kind Regards
Robert Openshaw

PS. I also do not consider myself a bluetooth expert, just someone with
a little experience with it.

 --- "Michael Phillips B (EEI)" <[email protected]>
wrote: > Hi, Firstly I am not a Bluetooth specialist, I need
information from
> anybody who has managed to wire up a Bluetooth Module  to a 8051
> Micro (or compatable) and managed to establish bluetooth link between
> Micro via Bluetooth to PC. 
> -I would be interested in schematics/block diagram on exactly how
> this was achieved 
> - Also driver/control software to communicate with bluetooth chip
> (Preferably C ) 
> Kind Regards Michael

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