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Re: [bluetooth] Bluetooth+8051

Hi Michel , 

We may be able to hel you to do this . If you need more information 
please feel free to contact us .

Email : [email protected]



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Phillips B (EEI)" 
<Michael.B.Phillips@e... > 
To: "'bluetooth@o... '" <bluetooth@o... > 
Date: Tue, 7 May 2002 15:18:23 +0200 
Subject: [bluetooth] Bluetooth+8051 

> Hi, Firstly I am not a Bluetooth specialist, I need information 
> from anybody who has managed to wire up a Bluetooth Module to a 
> 8051 Micro (or compatable) and managed to establish bluetooth link 
> between Micro via Bluetooth to PC. 
>  -I would be interested in schematics/block diagram on exactly how 
> this was achieved 
>  - Also driver/control software to communicate with bluetooth chip 
> (Preferably C ) 
>  Kind Regards Michael 
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