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Re: [bluetooth] question...

Hi Niko,

The problem you point concerning error is always valid for any transmission/reception system, and especially for wireless systems.

When you receive data, even protected with any error correction code, there is always a non zero probability that these data are corrupted.

So, for the Bluetooth baseband case, if you decode a wrong payload length :
- if it is > to the max length for this packet type (that you know from the packet header), trash the packet ;
- if it is not > to the max length for this packet type, you may detect that it is a wrong packet using the CRC. However, it may happen that for a wrong packet, the CRC circuitry calculate the same CRC as the one received (with a probability of 1/(2^16)).

So, to summarize, in general you can discard bad packets by looking at the CRC, or by looking at the FEC2/3 correction if it has detected a non-correctable arror, or ly looking their length according to packet type.

However, in a very few case, it may happen that a bad packet passes all the tests above....

In this case, the baseband has no choice, it has to send this packet to the higher layers of the stack. Then it depends of what happen to this packet. The layer concerned with this packet may not recognize a valid opcode or a valid packet structure or a valid high level error control check sequence (RFCOMM uses FCS), and discard the packet.

At last a Bluetooth stack crash may occur because of this bad packet.... and then you need to restart your device !!! However, as it may happen statistically 1 time every lots of hours it is not so dramatic... because in general Windows (if you use a PC as Bluetooth host) will have crashed before that ;-) I



Hi Alban,

Thank you so much for your swift response !
The problem I saw with the FEC 2/3 decoding is that the FEC 2/3 can not detect all errors, so what if the paylenght indicator field has errors ? 
This error would then only be detected at the CRC ?

Or doesn't it matter ?  If the lenght field is wrong, and we decode a wrong number of bits, then this will be flagged almost for sure by the CRC, and we'll have to retransmit the packet anyway ?

Thanks for your help !


From: Alban Villain <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [bluetooth] question...
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 09:56:59 +0100

Hi Niko,

I cannot see where there is a problem....
The payload that are FEC2/3 encoded all have a CRC and are at least 3 byte long prior to FEC 2/3 encoding (1 byte for payload header and 2 bytes for CRC).
That is, you have enough bit to decode the payload length before the end of the packet.
This was for 1 slot packet, the same applies for 3 and 5-slots packets.

Hope it helps,



Alban Villain

Inventel - http://www.inventel.com

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