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Re: [bluetooth] Baseband core progress

Yes I have completed the three blocks of HEC,CRS and FEC.BUt it is all a
behavioral model.and about CRC I just have one doubt,I have asked this
before,it appears that the result has to be byte swapped.IS this correct
or have I made some mistake in the implementation.
I would like to be instructed on this ASAP so that I can send Jamil the
code that I have made.
Also I am going to make the Access code generator today. 

On Sun, 4 May 2003, Jamil Khatib wrote:

> Hi all,
> Here are my colcusions on who is goign to work on which blocks
> ChuanChew Sin: [email protected] : 1 FEC 2 CRC 3 HEC 4 Hop frequency:
> Behavioral Verilog
> Puloma Mukherjee: [email protected]: FEC HEC CRC  (Done)
> Anil Nainwal - Sofblueindia: [email protected]: Frequency hopping,
> Access code generation  Verilog and VHDL
> It seems there are duplicates please let me know your decision.
> Here are some other issues
> - Once you provide me with your files I wil start integrating them and see
> how they interact with each other, but please try to make the interfaces as
> described in the spec and let me know if you have other comments on it.
> - please try to make basic check for your blocks sing some test benches since
> I am not going to test them.
> - Let me know if I have to code other parts of the data path blocks.
> - We have to try to have the blocks in both VHDL and Verilog so as to check
> them together.
> - I still do not know how can we check the whole system. Do you have any
> suggestion? May be a BB SW simulator can be used to genertate the protocol
> and the we test our design against it???
> - The tools. I think I have to check this issue specially Altera but I think
> I can get one or two maximum.
> - I uploaded the latest design spec to
> http://www.opencores.org/cores/bluetooth/Bluetooth.zip
> please review it and let me know if it is OK so as to put it on the CVS
> Regards,
> Jamil KHatib
> --
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