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----- Original Message -----
From: Fr�d�ric Renet <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 3:59 PM
Subject: [oc] EETIMES STORY

> Hello All,
> After the story in EETIMES hit OC NEWs, and Linux Today, and
> now slashdot, there is a quite interesting /. discution going on.

Which is good since there will be more developers to help on processor,
peripheral cores, OS ports etc.

And is bad because there was very little interest in the last weeks so I
decided to concentrate on my exams at university, working on CRTC6845 and
FIR filter cores, decided to change design (split into two cores, lite
version and high speed version), adding superscalar features to high speed,
adding MIPS I decoder, reoptimizing IU data path for Virtex etc. Now I need

regards, Damjan