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Re: [oc] FPU?

Sure.  I'm currently involved in a school project that is implementing the
ARM7 core.  We're using a ARM10 FPU, but since I dobut that we'll wanting
to be using anything related to ARM, I'll take some time this week and start
researching FPU concepts, since I have little to no knowledge of how it

So, anyone who wants to join the soon-to-be-created FPU project, mail me.
Also, if there are any people with insights into floating point with any
wisdom to share, please don't hesitate to tell me.

Oh, and btw, Verilog is my HDL of choice.  Since I just heard about
Opencores yesterday (eetimes article), I don't know if you guys care about
the language implementation?


On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 04:20:22PM +0100, Damjan Lampret was caught saying:
> Hi Long,
> no official project yet. OR1K doesn't currently implement FPU nor does OR1K
> ISA FP instructions. First current OR1K ISA should be extended with FP
> instructions and later structural FPU implemented (probably best as separate
> project under opencores but in a way that would allow easy integration with
> basic OR1K processor). Iakovos Stamoulis developed a behavioral FPU but this
> takes a lot of gates (FP addition takes as much as entire OR1001). Iakovos
> said if he gets more time he will try to develop a structural one.
> If you are interested to start a project, just say it.
> regards, Damjan
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Long Truong <[email protected]>
> To: <[email protected]>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 4:06 PM
> Subject: [oc] FPU?
> >
> > Hi guys.  I was browsing over the web page, and I just noticed that there
> > is no core design for a FPU.  I haven't reallly looked inside the OpenRISC
> > cores, so I suppose that they could be included inside there.  Is there an
> > project which is dedicated to a floating point unit?
> >
> > Long
> >
> > --
> > ---------------------------------------------------
> > Long Truong                  [email protected]
> >

Long Truong                  	[email protected]