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Re: [oc] Hi.... Volinteering my services ... :)


As far as I know nobody started ATM project yet -
but you could be first. I think interest on this project is
great so you will soon have the team. Contact
webmaster to publish something on the web and to
update team info.


----- Izvorno sporo�ilo -----
Od: Johan Jordaan <[email protected]>
Za: <[email protected]>
Poslano: 1. marec 2000 9:25
Zadeva: [oc] Hi.... Volinteering my services ... :)

> Hi,
>   I've just been to this sight from slashdot.org .... ATM i think this
> is one of the kewlest projects on the web WOW ..:)
>   I am a electronic engineer working inthe IT industry as a software
> developer but this sounds very interesting ....
>   how do i get more involved in this project ... ....
>   Thanx ....
> ------------------
> Johan Jordaan