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[oc] Fw: Searching your site
is unfortunately not provided. So although I am interested in your
work I was unable to discern wether MMIX, f-cpu, gEDA and FreeHDL are
known to your group or not. They are definitely of interest to you,
If no, some urls below. If yes, apologies for the redundancy.
mmix http://www-cs-staff.stanford.edu/%7Eknuth/mmix.html [1]
f-cpu http://f-cpu.tux.org/ [2]
gEDA http://www.geda.seul.org/ [3]
FreeHDL http://www.freehdl.seul.org/ [4]
Short descriptions:
[1] Donald Knuth's design of a new RISC processor. Opccode
spec. and simulator available. Some people talk about porting
[2] Another project at an open cpu core (F = Freedom). Much talk
on the mailing list, can't say for sure how far they are. But
it seems that OpenCores is farther along the road.
[3] GNU EDA (schematic drawing, netlist generation, ...)
[4] Project to implement a free VHDL simulator for Linux.
So long,
Andreas Kupries <[email protected]>
krvarice at http://mail.kiss.uni-lj.si/