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[oc] Re: Free CAD tools


The actual web site is www.jhdl.org.

Brad Hutchings
Brigham Young University

on 3/13/00 9:19 AM, Mark Anderson at [email protected] wrote:

> Hey all,
> In response to the need for free CAD tools, there is one solution
> which no one has mentioned (to my knowledge, I had to unsubscribe last
> week, too many messages).
> If you don't mind doing structural design, there is a tool for
> FPGA's (specifically XC4K and Virtex parts, but it's designed to be
> retargetable).
> It's done by BYU, and the project is called JHDL. (Just another
> Hardware Description Language)
> It's written in Java, so it's very portable.
> The web page is http://www.jhdl.byu.edu/
> It spits out EDIF netlists which are compatible with the Xilinx
> back-end tools. (Which are available free, I believe)
> Enjoy,
> Mark