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Re: INT and CS on OR1K was: [oc] documentation problem
> Anyone knows how to easily convert MS Word document to (La)Tex/XML/SGML?
> Saving to HTML is probably last option since formatting of the document is
> then really ugly. Anyway I am talking about OR1K native bus interface manual
> published as PDF document at
> http://www.opencores.org/cores/or1k/OpenRISC1000_Native_Bus_Interface.pdf.
IMHO ~CSn signals and ~IRQn should be out of the processor
core, they are independant.
Either provide 1 interrupt or 1 fast interrupt and one normal interrupt
as in the StrongArm. Interrupt controller can be very system
Another solution used by ColdFire is to provide a special bus
acces where the core sample the interrupt vector on the data bus
I did'nt understand the aim of ~BURST ...
Fr�d�ric Renet
19c Av des Indes
91969 Les Ulis (France)
Tel: +33 1 64 86 26 00
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