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Re: [oc] SOC bus

How about AMBA? The AMBA bus (by ARM, but I think it is total free) is also
a  very good bus for system on a chip. It' is resizable, and therefore it
can be used for many different purposes, from high speed data transfer to
low data rate functions (even on the same design). What do you thing about
this bus?

> Von: Mike Williamson <[email protected]>
> An: [email protected]
> Cc: [email protected]
> Betreff: [oc] SOC bus
> Datum: Freitag, 24. M�rz 2000 20:43
> Sirs,
> I am excited about the possibilities of "OPENCORE.ORG".
> I have looked at the "wishbone" bus for systems on a chip (SOC). It
> seems reasonable, and I thought that it may be a good addition to the
> open cores project. 
> I always assumed you would need a common bus in order to fully realize
> easy core re-use.
> applicable URLs:
> www.opencores.org
> www.silicore.net
> -- 
> Mike Williamson
> Staff Engineer
> Dallas Semiconductor
> 972-371-4338