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Re: [oc] Interested in helping out
Branko Badrljica wrote:
> > I'm not saying that a 68000 is impossible-- just very difficult.
> I believe that. But 68000-implementation would be fun nevertheless...
Oh hell, I'm all for that! I've designed a lot of cores just
for the fun of it. If that's what motivates you, then great!
Go for it!
Just remember that what is considered "fun in the privacy of
your own home" could be considered lewd, illegal, or otherwise
unmarketable out in the "real world".
My previous message was written with the assumption that the
primary focus is on what's good for Opencores.org and the
whole open source IP community as a whole rather than the
sometimes contradictory things like fun, cool, and sexy.
Here's some other "fun, cool, or sexy" cores that would be
amusing diversions:
- Fully parameterized Mandelbrot Set generator.
- Fully parameterized "Game of Life".
- Multi-threaded Core Wars CPU.
- Hardware implementation of Tic-Tac-Toe.
- A VHDL version of an SRAM based 16V8, including
the serial programming interface.
All of these are fun in their own way. But none of them have any
commercial value. There is a fair amount of academic value,
David Kessner
[email protected]