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Re: [oc] Ethernet Mac

Hi Jason,

I was just waiting for someone to start Ethernet MAC development. It is very
interesting and very useful core. There was some discussion about ethernet
mac core but nothing happened (you can browse cores mailing list on web).
When you'll need write access to opencores web site, dedicated mailing list
etc, just let us know.

regards, Damjan

----- Original Message -----
From: Jason Abele <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2000 5:10 PM
Subject: [oc] Ethernet Mac

> After a few weeks of lurking about the list, I am curious if there is a
> team organized to work on the Ethernet MAC yet.  If there is I would
> like to offer to assist.  I have some vhdl knowledge along with a strong
> background in software engineering.  If no one has started on this core
> yet I would be willing to start/lead a team for the MAC core.  I am a
> member of a university research lab that does system on a chip and mixed
> signal design.  We are very interested in the development of opencores
> and I will be badgering^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hpursuading some of the others
> to lend a hand where possible.
> As for tools, any suggestions/comments on the usefulness of Alliance,
> SAVANT, and FreeHDL, aside from the fact that none of them can
> synthesize to Xilinx bitstreams? (my computer setup does not include M$
> products anymore than absolutely necessary)
> Jason
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