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Re: [oc] Ethernet Mac

At 06:28 30.03.00 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi Mahmud,
>I hope all interested developers will come together, shape the project and
>starting working on it. If you need dedicated mailing list or something else
>just send to me/administration/webmasters a note and we'll solve the
>regards, Damjan

Hello folks,

yes, the complexity of the project requires a seperate mailing list. 
I would like to join that team. I�m not expert in VHDL (I have only basic
understanding of it) but I�m very interested in such core and try to
support whereever I can.

Best regards

        Wilhelm Mikroelektronik GmbH
 Sueggelstr. 31  -  44532 Luenen  -  Germany
phone ++49 2306 928280  fax: ++49 2306 928289
       internet: http://www.wilhelm.de