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[oc] Questions about OR1k SDRAM
I'm a fourth year college student at UC Berkeley, majoring in EECS. I need
to incorporate a CPU core on an FPGA project. I have experience with FPGA
tools/hardware and computer architecture, in particular, Xilinx FPGA chips
and MIPS architecture. I can dedicate project time to the design of the
CPU. Since OR1k seems to me a very promising core, I'd like to contribute
as much as I can. When browsing through the available materials on the
core, I ran into the following question about the SDRAM:
What kind of SDRAM controller does the OR1k core use? Does it support
burst mode (read/write)? The SDRAM controller posted in the SDRAM project
does not mention the usage of burst mode. The draft OR1K Native Bus
Interface document mentions a Burst control line.
However, the opencores SDRAM controller project doesn't currently handle
burst mode. Does this mean the OR1K project has written their own SDRAM
From: Chen Zhang
Email: [email protected]