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Re: [oc] IP Engine
Hi Amir,
You have in fact some good comments I am going to
forward your email to main opencores mailing list
I'll also give you some answers below
--- AmirAli Taghavi <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear Mr. Khatib,
> As I've found it in communication subsection it
> implies that the IP
> engine means some processing core
> for Internet protocol and also read that this is
> something you need for
> your computer
I think it can be a tcp/ip stack implemented in HW
with some software API like graphics accelerators.
> 1. are you going to embed an hardware IP processing
> engine in you
> computer ?
May be
> As this site seems king of distributed management
> 2. do you have a template for following
> 2.1 Project definition
> 2.2 Project design and specification pin down
> 2.3 Design review and assessment
> 2.4 Implementation standard and documentation
> process
> 2.5 Test generation and Verification
> 2.6 synthesis and time verification
> 2.7 waveform report and documentation
> 2.8 on-board test and final release
In fact there are no templates for these. we have some
guidlines for VHDL coding style in OpenIPCore project
you can check it from our site.
It will be good project for OpenIPCore if we can
define all these templates and standards. In fact we
are looking for contributers. Do you like to start
working with me on this project? It seems you are
familiar with this stuff.
> are above done in a commission or group or bring
> out by individuals..
OpenCores projects are two types: group work and
individual work but all of them share the group
discussion and get some ideas from everyone even if
only one is implementing the project.
> As it implies all work are on FPGA or CPLD
Yes because they are the easiest for OpenHW design but
you can make anyproject for ASIC and simulation "may
be implementation"
> 3. what's you main platform ? (I'm experienced in
Whatever you like and may be we can ported to any
other platform.
> 4. what's you standard development platform for
> modeling and simulation
we do not have any kind of restrictions on any thing.
you can use what you like. In fact this is the secret
of OpenHW design. For me I prefer OpenSource software
so as to support them and they will support us much
> If my perception from the project is right
> 5. To what extend and level are we going to
> implement IP Engine
> 6. In what environment are this core to be posed (
> a rough, raw data
> processing with inout port or as part of some
> multilevel design)
> 7. what functionality of an IP engine do we
> expected
We have to read on this topic and discuss it
> As I know this job is sideline to you I'm not
> expected a fast and
> accurate answer to above partly trivial and
> recurring question, in some case some guideline is
> appreciated at last ,
you are welcome
> 8. How is the scheduling and timing constrain of
> you projects
there is no timing constrain we are working for free
and to produce good designs we do not compete any one
and no one compete us.
> thank you in forward and wish to present a good
> job.
> regards.
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