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[oc] Re: building up an OCRP-1

I see I mixed up quantities for the 10nF and 100nF decoupling
capacitors.  I may have made other mistakes, too.  I'll find
out for sure when this order and the OCRP-1 bare board land on
my desk. :-( 

The good news (for U.S. readers) is that Nu Horizons
(http://www.nuhorizons.com/) has XCV50-5TQ144C in-stock
for $57.80 each (small quantity), and takes credit card
orders over the phone with a minimum order of $100.
I ordered two.

If someone in the San Francisco Bay Area wants to trade
something interesting for my extra Virtex, give me a

       - Larry Doolittle   <[email protected]>