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Re: [oc] crypto-accelerator

In a message dated 9/11/2000 7:38:55 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
[email protected] writes:

> --- Paulus M Tamba <[email protected]> wrote:
>  > hi all
>  > 
>  > i would like to work on crpyto accelerator, but i couldn't find any
>  > website which gives brief explanation about crypto. i would like to
>  > ask
>  > you all where to find about crypto.
>  Well what do you want to implement?  A general purpose Crypto
>  Accelerator should have
>  a) A Block cipher, preferably AES (not yet decided)
>  b) A Hash Function, preferably SHA-1
>  c) A Large Integer ALU, such as a 1024-bit ALU
>  d) A physical RNG device (thermal noise, etc...)
>  If the device has all four a-d components it would be very popular and
>  usefull.  It should also have some memory to hold keys on the device,
>  so possibly it would need a few kb of ram...
>  Then it should have a nice PCI or ISA interface say using a few memory
>  locations (memory mapped io) or actual I/O ports.  I can provide
>  analysis and support, but I haven't much clues about designing
>  hardware.
>  Tom

A German site published an entire open source VHDL DES design. I have the 
source if anyone wants it. We've found that Broadcom and Hi/Fn already have 
some pretty good stuff working 3DES/SHA-1 into the Gigabit speeds so we kinda 
shelved the open source stuff.