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Re: [oc] LCD

You are more than welcomed.

LCD driver is a good idea for new project. you can
start at teh begining by collecting information about
the available LCDs and their drivers and try to design
a core driver for them

you can also check 

as a template for teh project document and guidlines

feel free to ask

Jamil Khaib
--- Lisa Yulianingrum <[email protected]>
> We are fourth year students of electrical
> engineering of Bandung Institute
> of Technology in Indonesia. After reading your
> cores, we are having a
> great interest of your topic about Liquid Crystal
> Display. If you do not
> mind, would you please explain us  more specifically
> about what kind of
> development about this topic as you want, e.g.do you
> want  the driver of
> the LCD or other thing?
> We seriously want to join your cores, so we really
> hope that  you
> will consider us as your member.
> Thanks for your attention
> Lisa, Andrew, Suryadi

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