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Re: [oc] submit for IDEA processor

on 9/14/00 7:27, tom st denis at [email protected] wrote:

> --- MARTADINATA A <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Hi, Damjan
>> We think we must submit our core design project about
>> IDEA(International
>> Data Encryption Algorithm) processor into the opencores main page
>> in
>> and 
>> http://www.uspto.gov/patft/index.html
>> We will just use that algorithm to design a IDEA core in which We
>> will
>> make consistently its patent or copyright put on our developed
>> core.
>> We think that it is noproblem as long as for a core.
> You cannot sell the core however, at any time.

Well, you can't build it at all ! Even if you would want to give
it away !

>> The IDEA algorithm is more secret than DES algoritma because the
>> secret key, 128-bit, is longer than DES key, 56-bit. And also the
>> round, 8, is less than the DES round, 16. So, the IDEA processor
>> will be 
>> faster and more secret than DES.
> I doubt IDEA is much faster since it requires multiplications in
> Z65537.  

Speed is a relative term. I can make any core execute in one cycle
at a high frequency if I pipeline it.

The important question here is: How many cycles of latency are acceptable ?

Look at my DES core (www.opencores.org/cores/des). The fast implementation
has a total of 18 pipeline stages, but can execute a crypt/encrypt every
cycle (similar to a RISC CPU). In the current form it can run at about
75Mhz in a Xilinx Vertex FPGA. I could double the frequency by doubling
the number of pipeline stages. So it could be made to run at 150Mhz, but
would have a 36 cycle latency.

> Tom
