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Re: [oc] OCRP-1 board source?
On this subject,
We've also recieved our boards, and have started building them.
Unfortunately there seems to be some discrepancies between the pdf
schematics and the board. Is the pdf the exact version that was used to
make the PCB?
Gert Cronje
>>> Damjan Lampret <[email protected]> 15/September/2000
02:24am >>>
> I've received my boards, printed out the schematics, bom, etc,
> and will find time to build them RSN. In the meantime, a question:
> Can I get the source files for the board? Obviously, I'll need the
> whole works: schematics, symbols, geometries, layout, maps, etc.
> And obviously, I have access to Mentor.
I'll try to get you source files for the board. I didn't really think anyone
playing with the boards will actually also have access to Mentor so
source files
were never published (you have schematics and component placement in
PDF but as
I understand you already printed that). I just hope guys at Iskratel didn't
delete source files since this wasn't their official project.